Lilliputian pleasures!
Ah! Those eyes…
Submissive yet naughty!
They ask me “Care to join?”
Expressive yet puzzled!
They wonder “Are we troubling?!”
Messed up yet adorable!
They tempt me “come, indulge!”
Ah! Those eyes… those desires... those temptations…
If only the childhood could go life-long…
Benign wishes!
Desire! - Photoshot by Mohit Oberai
Wish there was one such wonderland,
Where I need nothing but the self,
Where I want nothing but the time,
Where I hear nothing but silence,
Where I feel nothing but the breeze,
Where I care for nothing but the ‘now’,
Oh! As I say that, I wake myself up,
Laughing out loud…
As I realize that ‘now’ is here,
And wonderland is no(w)here
Suddenly my wants become…
Nothing more than just “being”,
Nothing more than just “relishing”
Nothing more than just “expressing” and
Nothing more than just “sharing”
Oh! One more time I am woken up…
This time, it is an invite from inside the kitchen.
Yay! Its snack time now,
And there I get up to go…
See! I am being in the ‘now’
Relishing it with all senses,
Am expressing too and if you were here,
I wouldn’t mind sharing!
Beak can hold more than the belly can - Photoshot by Dick Lyon
Nature’s anomaly…
Where the beak can hold more than the belly can!